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Av Administrator 20:16 30/4 2006 | Kommentera!

Detta är ett inlägg från Sam.

Avgör själv om en tvåvåningsbyggnad med fyra hotellrum per våning uppfyller definitionen av “Bungalow”:

  • bungalow: Friliggande envåningshus med verandor och flackt, utskjutande tak.
    Källa: Nationalencyklopedin.
  • Bungalow \Bun”ga*low\, n. [Bengalee b[=a]ngl[=a]]
    A thatched or tiled house or cottage, of a single story,
    usually surrounded by a veranda. [India]
    [1913 Webster]
  • bungalow
    n : a small house with a single story [syn: cottage]
    A small, one-storey home built in a turn of the century style, often with a prominent front verandah. []
  • bungalow. A cottage. A small house. In hotels, a room or suite that is a separate building. []
  • Bungalow: This is a one level house on its own compound or with others (Built up on ground floor only). All the rooms are usually on ground floor. They are usually on large compounds e.g.  acre or more. []
  • bungalow — a one- or one and one-half story house with low exterior lines. In Chicago, a bungalow is a gable-roofed brick building with two to three bedrooms, a half-sunken basement, and stairs leading to an attic. Most bungalows were built in Chicago in the 1920s. In India, a bungalow is a small cottage with a thatched or tiled roof surrounded by a wide veranda. []
  • Bungalow – A residential unit either detached or semi-detached or terraced which has it’s floor plan on one level, at maximum with split level flooring, and with private entrance.
  • Och så fortsätter definitionerna med alltifrån “lättbyggd sommarvilla” till “Envåningshus, fritidshus, enfamiljsvilla”

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